About Us

Send It LLC is an online subscription service that provides a way for people with special needs to receive gifted items in the mail.

Mission Statement:
People with special needs often struggle with social encounters, especially after they age out of high school. Send It LLC aims to create a small sense of normalcy and inclusion by allowing them to receive mail.

Receiving mail is a daily occurrence for most people, but for those with special needs, it can be a rare and exciting experience. Many people with disabilities cannot simply hop online and shop for themselves, so receiving a package is not part of their day-to-day lives. Send It LLC creates wonderful experiences and allows you to be a part of making someone's day better. Let's make the world a little brighter by gifting one package at a time and just Send It.

Send It LLC cannot guarantee that your special needs person will receive a gift, as the service solely runs off of donations. However, Send It's website provides networking and marketing for your special needs person's specific wish list. To combat this potential problem, Send It LLC will also offer an exclusive Facebook community group to ensure that your special needs person can connect and create friendships with other people with special needs. The goal of Send It LLC is to provide a safe platform for your special needs person to feel seen and included by receiving mail and creating memories.